Hey, what can I do?

Actually, a whole helluva lot.

Sign up to receive a weekly email with tangible ways to shift from overwhelm and despair to ACTION​

Our emails aim to

πŸ”₯ Make it easy to take action

✨ Build community + civic engagement

πŸŽ‰ Tap into existing groups + movements

✊ Fight for those who can’t

🀸 Spread delight, generosity + good trouble

πŸ’© Stop fascism + fight the broligarchy

Email deets

πŸ™Œ We appreciate skimmability, brevity + cursing

πŸ“… We aspire to send weekly – but we’re volunteers so don’t hold your breath

βœ‰οΈ We have 3ish email variations:

  1. Nationwide actions + events
  2. Above + additional Seattle-specific content
  3. Every so often we’ll send WA State content if there’s some important legislation brewing

πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Not yet convinced? Here’s a sample of one of our emails

This is a volunteer collab that’s just getting started.
We have big plans. If you want to join us in activating others, let’s talk.

doom scrolling

i'm ready for action

Hold up!


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